As industries grow and evolve, so do the environmental responsibilities that come with them. One crucial aspect of maintaining a sustainable industrial operation is managing stormwater runoff to prevent pollution and protect our waterways. However, navigating the complex world of permitting for industrial stormwater programs can be a challenging task for both seasoned professionals and newcomers alike.

Welcome to the first part of our two-part industrial stormwater series, "Before the Storm." In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of industrial stormwater permitting, with a focus on the multi-sector general permit (MSGP). We'll explore the significance of this permit in authorizing the discharge of stormwater associated with industrial activity. Moreover, we'll break down the various aspects of permitting, including identifying which industrial operations require stormwater permit coverage, the types of discharges that can be authorized, and the step-by-step process for developing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and obtaining permit coverage. Let's embark on this journey of environmental stewardship and compliance together.
Understanding the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP)
The Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) is a vital regulatory tool issued under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). It provides a standardized approach to managing stormwater discharges from various industrial facilities across different sectors. The permit outlines specific requirements that industrial operators must follow to minimize pollution and protect our water bodies.
Determining Industrial Operations Requiring Permit Coverage
One of the first steps in industrial stormwater permitting is identifying whether your facility falls under the jurisdiction of the MSGP. This determination depends on the sector in which your industrial operation is classified and the nature of the activities conducted on-site.
Common industries that often require stormwater permit coverage include manufacturing facilities, construction sites, mining operations, transportation yards, and more. Each industry may have specific criteria that dictate the need for permit coverage, so it's essential to understand how your facility aligns with these requirements.
Types of Discharges Authorized Under MSGP
Once you've established that your industrial site necessitates stormwater permit coverage, the next crucial aspect to consider is the types of discharges that can be authorized under the MSGP. Stormwater discharges can occur through two main pathways: point source discharges and non-point source discharges.
Point Source Discharges: These discharges are well-defined and come from specific conveyances, such as pipes or channels. Understanding whether your facility has any point source discharges is essential for determining compliance with permit requirements.
Non-Point Source Discharges: Unlike point source discharges, non-point source discharges are diffuse and do not originate from a specific conveyance. These can include runoff from rainfall or snowmelt that flows over industrial areas, picking up pollutants along the way.
Being able to differentiate between point and non-point source discharges is crucial, as the permit requirements and monitoring protocols may vary depending on the type of discharge associated with your industrial operation.
Developing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
The cornerstone of industrial stormwater permitting is the development of a comprehensive Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). This plan serves as a roadmap for your facility to effectively manage stormwater and minimize potential pollution risks.
The SWPPP outlines various best management practices (BMPs) that your facility will implement to control pollutants in stormwater runoff. These BMPs may include measures such as sediment and erosion control, spill prevention and response, employee training, runoff diversion, and regular inspections.
Obtaining Permit Coverage and Staying Compliant
With a well-constructed SWPPP in hand, the final step is to submit your application for permit coverage. The process may involve providing detailed information about your facility, the nature of your industrial activities, and the planned BMPs for managing stormwater discharges.
Once your facility obtains the industrial stormwater general permit, your responsibilities don't end there. Compliance is an ongoing commitment. Regular monitoring, sampling, and reporting will be required to ensure your facility adheres to the permit conditions and continues to protect the environment from stormwater pollution.
Navigating the permitting process for industrial stormwater programs may seem like a daunting task, but with the right knowledge and commitment to environmental stewardship, it becomes an essential aspect of responsible industrial operations. In this first part of our series, we explored the applicability of the multi-sector general permit (MSGP) for authorizing stormwater discharges, identified which industrial operations require permit coverage, discussed the types of discharges that can be authorized, and outlined the process of developing a SWPPP.
Join us in the next blog of "Mastering Industrial Stormwater Compliance: Part 2 - After the Storm," where we will delve into the necessary steps to ensure your industrial facility remains compliant with stormwater permit requirements, covering essential recordkeeping, inspection, monitoring, and reporting practices. Together, let's build a sustainable future through responsible stormwater management practices.